The Daily Life: Part-2

3 min readJun 21, 2022


It's tiresome talking to a woman, especially one who just became one.

Like a week or so, a minor incident transpired that I reckoned was related to a privacy issue, that I could have understood but it was something, that I don’t even consider giving a **** about it.

Well, I have a hobby of sketching so I tried making a portrait of one of my classmates and uploaded it onto my second Instagram account which had zero presence.

Note that I didn’t ask for her approval, but she gave me a green signal by liking that portrait of her and messaging me the praises.

But little did I know that the exact photo I uploaded around one month or so, was going to land me in turmoil. I uploaded it, tagged that person and voila, went on by creating my page on Facebook and converting my Instagram account to a professional one.

Unexpectedly the notification chirped, and a comment dropped by with a few likes. But what came next was dreary, as I wasn’t able to comprehend what was going on.

She messaged me and told me to take that photo of hers down, I did that after asking why she wanted to? The reply that she gave me baked my CPU from inside, the smoke coming inside of my brain could be felt even at night.

It’s weird!

Why the ******* heck is that weird, me posting an artistic picture of a lady on my account. I suddenly realised after talking to one of my other classmates, that maybe she’s having some privacy issues, and that I should’ve asked her out first.

I asked her the real reason behind all that tantrum, and by the way, I did something funny too..(at least I think it was funny).

I removed the photo and re-uploaded it without the reference photo and the tag. Just captioning it as “someone you don’t know🤣”. You can’t believe it, but I awaited her response over this, and she gave me a long word stressing upon removing it.

This time I removed it but stored it in my archival collection over Instagram. (Never know when you would upload it would be soon…I …hope😂).

But the reason was something I wasn’t able to process till now (like after 10 minutes or so…, then I started writing about least gained some content…sounds a great deal to me).

She was not concerned over her privacy but rather over social thinking, about people thinking and concluding the wrong context, over the post I uploaded and her identity, I guess.

She felt uncomfortable over some third-person judging her over some artistic post.

"Man…, I really can’t find myself now, for real."

But the weirdest part was that she didn’t have any objection to publishing her photo on my website. (Sole reason: I ain’t got any traffic😿 and the particular reason: she didn’t want that post to fly around the people we both knew).

Still check out that portrait here.

Flared hair swinging in the air, pouting and creating a sensual atmosphere.

People aren’t afraid of individuals they don’t know but are cautious over the talk a person they know makes.

Remember to be yourself and do what you like…, just don't upload some content with privacy-related issues (a bit of an issue you get), better be prepared.

There are two things I comprehended:

  1. Privacy is a thing, and you should first ask a person if you could use their photo/video it anything like that, in your content.
  2. People sure feel anxious and insecure over some overly thought things.

But I’m still not able to process how someone could feel uncomfortable over their portrait roaming around their friend circle.

Please let me know if you guys know anything.

